
Local 5008 – Membership Meeting

Lifespan and CNE Announce Agreement

Union Says Not So Fast!!!

   CNE and Lifespan have announced that they have settled all of their differences and that they are prepared to move forward seeking regulatory approval for their merger. Your Union has weighed in on this issue. We have three primary demands.

  • Protection of the integrity of Kent Hospital making sure that Kent is part of any final merger and not spun off to a bottom feeding for profit hospital chain.
  • Assure continuation of all services our community has come to rely upon us to provide to them at our hospital.
  • A signed written agreement protecting all member’s job security.

   An important membership meeting is scheduled to fully brief every member on this important issue. At this time, your Union will be asking for volunteers to sign up for another contract committee to help us achieve our goals and fight for them if necessary.

Membership Meetings

When: Thursday, March 18th, 8:00AM, 1:00PM, 4:00PM, 6:00PM or 8:00PM

Zoom information to be announced on Wednesday March 17th.

Where: Crowne Plaza