The nomination period for the offices of President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, as well as Unit Chairperson for each of the bargaining units is open and nominations will be accepted until Thursday, April 13, 2023, no later than 4:00 p.m. The term of office will run for two years and successful candidates will be installed immediately upon certification of election results.
Nominations must be made in writing on nomination petitions (see enclosed form) and submitted to the following: Attn: UNAP Local 5019 to address 375 Branch Avenue, Providence, RI 02904 or email to [email protected]. The petition must be signed by the candidate. Nomination forms are due no later than Thursday , April 13, 2023 at 4:00pm.
In order to be eligible for nomination, you must be a member of the Union and in good standing.
Rules for Nomination Forms
For the offices of President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary:
- All nominations for local officers (President, Exec VP, Secretary and Treasurer) shall be accompanied by petitions containing at least ten (10) signatures of members of the Union.
- The petition must be signed by the candidate.
- Nomination forms are due no later than Thursday, April 13, 2023 4:00pm.
For Unit Chairpersons:
- Nominations for Unit Chairperson shall be accompanied by petitions from ten percent (10%) of the bargaining unit’s membership.
- The petition must be signed by the candidate.
- Nomination forms are due no later than Thursday, April 13, 2023 4:00pm.