Membership Meeting
March 22, 2023
Dear Union Member,
We are thrilled to update you on some areas of progress and remind you our 2nd Membership meeting will be held on Tuesday April 4. We have 3 meetings scheduled on that day to provide you with an opportunity to attend. The meetings are scheduled for 4pm, 5:30pm, and 8pm. The Membership meeting will be held at the UNAP Union Hall at 375 Branch Avenue, Providence, RI.
Progress is being made regarding the publishing of the Union contract for RWMC’s Local #5092. Our CEO Jeffrey Liebman signed the contract, as did I. With that accomplished we can now go to print and distribute to our Membership. When the contract is ready you will be notified.
Progress is also being made in the area of dues letters. We have a majority signed and turned in to payroll. We still have more to go and the first letter regarding the forms was mailed out and the response has been good. The 2nd letter will be mailed after March 20th as a reminder of the importance of dues and the purpose of the dues/fees we will be collecting. If you have not signed your form and returned it, please do so.
Your Executive Board looks forward to seeing you at our next Membership Meeting where we will discuss several topics including the cessation of the $5/hr COVID incentive paid to ICU, CCU, ED, and OR effective May 1. We will discuss our grievance policy and catch the membership up on current grievances. Our meeting will also include any questions you may have regarding our contract, and any new business will be addressed.
The meetings are a vital way for you to understand how your Union is working for you, and we look forward to seeing you,
Your Executive Board
RWMC Local #5092