
Local 5110 – Service Employees Membership Meeting 

Service Employees Membership Meeting Agenda: Contract Negotiations Update, WagesWhen: Tuesday, June 28, 2022Times: 7:45am, 1:30pm, 4:00pm – 6:00pm**7:45pm:You must RSVP to attend this 7:45pm meeting. Call Cindy to RSVP (401) 578-0286.Where: 375 Branch Avenue, Providence RI

Local 5110 – Membership Meeting

Agenda: Negotiations UpdateWhen: Monday, June 13thTimes: 7:45am, 1:30pm, 4:00pm, 6:00pm**We will have a 7:45pm only if you RSVP. Call Cindy at 401-578-0286 to RSVP.Where: UNAP Office, 375 Branch Avenue, Providence RI

Local 5110: Fatima Service Workers Bargaining Update # 2

We have met 4 times with Prospect to bargain your contract. We offered 10 days to bargain in May and June and Prospect accepted only 2. Here is what we plan to present to the employer in the next session: What the union has proposed thus far related to pay: What has Prospect proposed so […]

Local 5110 – 2022 Fatima Contract Campaign

2022 Fatima Contract Campaign On March 15 the union begins contract negotiations with Fatima. As you know there are many issues to be addressed with the employer. Below is a contract survey, these surveys have been distributed at work as well. Your imput and participation are important.  Click here: Fatima Contract Survey


PROSPECT CHARTERCARE: PUTTING PROFITS BEFORE PATIENT CARE It’s time to join forces with our UNAP brothers and sisters at Roger Williams and Prospect RI Home Health to set Prospect straight. We’re now in our 3rd straight year of the COVID-19 pandemic – holding things together for patients and employees alike. We continue to risk serious illness, […]

Local 5110 – Service Workers Bargaining Update

FOR PROSPECT CHARTERCARE IT’S ALL ABOUT THE GREED! We are now in our 3rd straight year of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now in our 3rd straight year of holding things together at the hospital for patients and employees alike. We are now in our 3rd straight year of risking serious illness, sometimes death, by doing our jobs […]


PROSPECT CHARTERCARE: PUTTING PROFITS BEFORE PATIENT CARE We’re now in our 3rd straight year of the COVID-19 pandemic – holding things together for patients and employees alike. We continue to risk serious illness, sometimes death, by doing our jobs every time we punch in. We continue to be under-staffed, over-worked and under-paid. And hundreds of […]

Local 5008 – Payroll Errors

Payroll Errors Notice to Members Unfortunately everyone has been affected by a number of payroll errors. The union’s position is clear. Our hard working members have earned their pay. The Employer must do everything to rectify payroll errors immediately and pay employees what they have already earned. There are several different elements of payroll errors.