
Local 5110 – CNA and MHW  Update December 30, 2021

CNA and MHW  Update December 30, 2021 The union requested the employer increase the incentive pay for the CNAs and MHWs to $30.00 and hour. The employer, Lynn Leahey refused and increased it to $10.00 an hour. Dear Member: I am writing to you to emphasize that our Union fully supports pay increases to CNAs […]

Local 5110 – December 9, 2021

December 9, 2021 Request for bargaining for wage increases for all. December 8, 2021 Dear Member,      I am writing to update you on the request the union made to Prospect to bargain early. As you surely remember Lynn Leahey has been requesting to raise the wages of the CNAs and MHW. The union responded […]

Local 5008 – Annual Children’s Fundraiser DCYF of Southern Rhode Island

Annual Children’s Fundraiser DCYF of Southern Rhode Island Click here for details: Christmas Fundraiser Membership Meeting Vote on contract      A tentative agreement was reached between your negotiating team and the hospital on Friday, September, 17th. The three major issues separating the hospital and the union were resolved to the satisfaction of your negotiating team. ***There […]

Local 5008 – CNE/Lifespan Job Security Agreement Reached

Good News!!! CNE/Lifespan Job Security Agreement Reached On Wednesday night, May 13th, the union negotiating team reached an agreement with Kent Hospital on two critically important job security issues. In summary, here is the agreement: As you all know, protecting our work from subcontracting and protecting our jobs from service lines or programs that are […]

Local 5008 – Lifespan and CNE Announce Agreement Union Says Not So Fast!!!

Lifespan and CNE Announce Agreement Union Says Not So Fast!!!    CNE and Lifespan have announced that they have settled all of their differences and that they are prepared to move forward seeking regulatory approval for their merger. Your Union is prepared to weigh in on this issue. We have three primary demands.    To […]

Local 5008 – Membership Meeting

Lifespan and CNE Announce Agreement Union Says Not So Fast!!!    CNE and Lifespan have announced that they have settled all of their differences and that they are prepared to move forward seeking regulatory approval for their merger. Your Union has weighed in on this issue. We have three primary demands.    An important membership […]

Local 5008 – Election of Officers

Election of Officers  Running for president: Trish Criner and Michael Choquette. Running for executive vice president of RNs: Lianne Jacavone, Rose Desnoyers and Mary Quinn. Date:   Monday the 28thth at the Crowne Plaza  Times: 7:30am – 9:00am, 1:00pm – 2:30pm, 4:00pm – 5:30pm, 7:45pm – 8:30 pm  All members in good standing may vote for one of […]